Holistic Health Methods

The intention of each of the following techniques is to assist the body/mind to return to a state of mental or physical comfort, homeostasis, balance, health, and wellness.

These methods have been helpful for clients who have experienced anxiety, depression, trauma, emotional distress, fears, phobias, compulsions, OCD, obsessions, relationship issues, addictions, issues with food, codependence, ADD, ADHD, school failure,  autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, physical pain, weight issues, IBS, Chron’s disease, neurological disorders, sleep disturbance, behavior issues, fibromyalgia, etc.

Kinesiology is also known as Muscle Response Testing.  Muscle testing, on an extended arm or finger, yields information from the wisdom of the body/mind, and directs the process of healing.

NET   Neuro Emotional Technique   www.netmindbody.com
NET is a combination of principles from psychology, neuroscience, and acupuncture theory.  Emotions are signals, indicating how things are going for us in life.  Different chemistry is present as various emotions are experienced.  The emotions are to serve us, and when various needs are met, nature intends for that chemistry to subside.  However, if a person has experienced an emotional or physical trauma, the body may not have discharged this chemistry, and it can be retriggered, by similar stimuli, in an unconscious, conditioned process.  The presence of this chemistry can cause a blockage of the electrical flow of the body, causing physical pain, illness, or emotional distress.  Muscle testing is utilized to determine the origins of the blockage, clear it, and allow the energy to flow.   This unhooks conditioned responses, enabling a client to feel and /or behave in a more effective manner.  Meridian Access Points, located in the wrist area, are used in the NET protocol to facilitate mental and physical healing.

Video Message from Dr. Scott Walker about the NET study
> Click here to complete the online Wellness Check Questionnaire <

NMT   Neuro Modulation Technique  www.nmt.md
The premise of NMT is that if the mind/body is not functioning well, its informational system is making mistakes, or has corrupt data (similar to a computer virus).   NMT facilitates the mind/body to self correct, in order to facilitate physical and emotional comfort and health.  There are more than 70 NMT Pathways, which are specific scripts or protocols to clear these information faults.

Click to view a 10-minute video of Dr. Leslie Feinberg explaining NMT.
Click to listen to a one-hour radio interview with Dr. Leslie Feinberg by Dr. Gabriella Kortsch, host of "Re-wiring the Soul".
Click to view a NMT session of an Anaphylactic Allergy Treatment in which the allergy is completely resolved.

EMDR   Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing  www.emdr.com
This is an energy technique used to take the emotional charge off situations, such as a traumatic experience, and for the relief of anxiety and depression.   Bilateral hemispheres of the brain are stimulated, either by guided eye movements, or touches to the hands, or by holding TheraTappers in each hand, which offers an alternating pulse sensation.  EMDR has a specific protocol for processing bothersome experiences.

EFT   Emotional Freedom Technique   www.emofree.com
EFT uses principles of acupuncture, to help with physical and emotional conditions, fears, phobias, etc.  A client taps a series of acupressure points as they follow a protocol to reduce, and hopefully eliminate,  the  bothersome issue or condition.  Not only can this be used in the office, but can be easily taught to the client, as a technique that they can use on their own.

PSYCH-K  www.psych-k.com
An energetic technique used for physical and emotional restoration of mental and emotional health and comfort.

PSYCHOSYNTHESIS   http://two.not2.org/psychosynthesis/therapy.htm
Psychosynthesis is a blend of spiritual and psychological information and techniques.  Included in this is work with subpersonalities, and guided imagery.


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