Career Assessment

Discover the work you would be happy doing!   

The word "enthusiasm" comes from the root words "en" (from within) and "thus" (God or spirit).  When one is excited about their work, their life purpose is being realized.

This very practical process is appropriate for those choosing a college major, or for adults who are considering making a career change. 

Clients participate in a two session format.  Each session lasts approximately three hours, and the sessions are spaced two weeks apart.  A computerized profile regarding specific jobs is generated, as well as a summary of information gleaned from both sessions.

The Assessment Session offers an opportunity to review prior work and life experiences, in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.  Assessments with more than a fifty year history are used, to generate information about one's interests, personality, and an appropriate work atmosphere.  They are intentionally NOT called tests, as there is no time limit, and the answers given reflect interests and personality.

At the Feedback Session, assessments and client input is reviewed, and concrete options and direction are generated.  Supplemental information is given, regarding how to research and secure career opportunities. 

Chris Hannafin considers many important aspects of a client's needs, such as money that needs to be generated, the location of the job, etc.  Her services are listed in What Color Is Your Parachute, by Richard Nelson Bolles, which is a practical manual for job-hunters and career changers.

In addition to Career Assessment services, clients may consult with Dr. Hannafin regarding challenges in the workplace, how to handle work situations, and relationship issues at work.

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